Dr. Lăzăruț Lucian

About Internal Medicine

Internal medicine is the branch and medical specialty that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and non-surgical treatment of diseases, especially those of internal organs. The specialty of internal medicine is addressed to adults.
Internal medicine specialists have the competence to solve complex diagnostic problems and to monitor severe chronic diseases and polypathological conditions. Internal medicine specialists diagnose and treat adults with respiratory, cardiac, digestive, renal and osteoarticular diseases.

Doctor summary

    Specialty Internal Medicine
    Studies UMF Tg. Mureș
    Area of expertise
    • General Ultrasound
    Degree Specialist
    Gender Male
    Language Română, English


    • Medicina interna - Alte manopere
    • Medicina interna-Consult medic specialist
      200 LEI
    • Medicina interna-Consult+ECO medic specialist
      300 LEI
    • Medicina interna-Control 2 medic specialist
      150 LEI
    • Medicina Interna-Ecografie generala
      200 LEI
    • Nefrologie-Ecografie renala
      200 LEI

    Medical Education

    Doctor MedicUMF Târgu Mureș

    Ultrasonography of the adult urinary tractComplementary studies

    Galenus medical center

    Private medical services, structured in specialized outpatient clinics, medical imaging, medical analysis, clinical trials, occupational medicine and others.

    The key to managing stress is managing your life and turning it into realistic expectations of your daily challenges.

    — Josh Billings
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