Medical imaging


Ultrasound (also called sonography or ultrasonography) is a method of obtaining medical images.

Ultrasound is a result of the development of sonar technology during World War II. A portable device placed in contact with the patient’s skin produces high-frequency ultrasound waves and receives echoes sent by internal organs. An advantage of ultrasound is that it avoids the harmful effects of X-rays. Moreover, the equipment is portable and affordable. A disadvantage, however, is that very clear images are not obtained.

Although it was first used in the 1950s, this method of obtaining clinical imaging was used mainly after the development of computers. Ultrasound is not used to examine bones and lungs, but is widely used in obstetrics, where images can be used to locate the placenta and determine the age, position and development of the fetus. Ultrasound images are also used in other medical fields, helping to establish a quick diagnosis.

Specialty Imaging
Studies RMN
Zone of expertise


  • Interpretare RMN (second opinion)
    250 LEI
  • RMN abdomen+pelvis cu substanta de contrast
    1360 LEI
  • RMN abdomen+pelvis nativ
    1140 LEI
  • RMN abdominal cu substanta de contrast si colangio RMN
    940 LEI
  • RMN abdominal nativ
    660 LEI
  • RMN abdominal nativ si cu substanta de contrast
    880 LEI
  • RMN cap + orbite
    780 LEI
  • RMN cap + orbite + subs
    1000 LEI
  • RMN coloana vertebrala completa
    1560 LEI
  • RMN cord
    1200 LEI
  • RMN cranio-cerebral + Angio RM venos
    720 LEI
  • RMN cranio-cerebral + TOF
    720 LEI
  • RMN cranio-cerebral nativ
    688 LEI
  • RMN cranio-cerebral nativ si cu substanta de contrast
    880 LEI
  • RMN extremitati nativ/segment (genunchi, cot, glezna etc.)
    660 LEI
  • RMN extremitati segment cu substanta de contrast
    880 LEI
  • RMN pelvis nativ
    660 LEI
  • RMN pelvis nativ si cu substanta de contrast
    880 LEI
  • RMN regiuni coloana vertebrala (toracala, lombara) nativ
    660 LEI
  • RMN regiuni coloana vertebrala cervicala (parti moi)
    660 LEI
  • RMN regiuni coloana vertebrala cu substanta de contrast (parti moi)
    880 LEI
  • RMN torace cu substanta de contrast
    880 LEI
  • RMN torace nativ
    660 LEI
  • RMN ureche interna
    780 LEI
  • RMN ureche interna + subs
    1000 LEI

Medical Education

Galenus medical center

Private medical services, structured in specialized outpatient clinics, medical imaging, medical analysis, clinical trials, occupational medicine and others.

The key to managing stress is managing your life and turning it into realistic expectations of your daily challenges.

— Josh Billings
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